Friday, September 7, 2007

My life as an instant geneticist...

Not sure what I'm doing or wether I did it right.. heheh.. Guess I'm pretty talented at pretending that I know it all when in fact I know nothing more than the title of my project... muahahah... And the excuse behind not knowing anything will be.. 'oh.. I've been sick so I don't really get to do the research at home and I'm always busy with something elses when I'm in the office... uhuk2 *coughing*' and my supervisor will always buy that probably coz I haven't stop coughing for months... *grin* But it's true though.. I've been feeling crappy for months.. haven't been eating properly for weeks... I can tell that I'm losing a bit of weight.. which I think is a good thing.. hihihi..

It's fun though... never before I feel this motivated each morning waking up looking forward for what lies ahead of me. So eager to get things done.. to know more (probably an overstatement).. to explore the world of genetic research where everything is so unfamiliar and new (a bit scary too)..

It makes me realize how vast Allah's knowledge is... I mean.. My research is only about 1 single base mutation in 1 exon on a chromosome. yet there's sooo much to know.. soo much to learn. and there's like 3 000 000 000 base pairs in a chromosome.. not to mention how many chromosomes there are in a cell and how many cells there are in a human body... and Allah has inspire us human to research on that. to learn about it.. mapping every single base pair in each chromosome... and not to mention other fields of knowledge... Subhanallah... I can't believe there are people who don't believe in creation... Genius! there are too smart that they are blind and stupid..

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