Sunday, May 27, 2007

For a start...

This isn't actually my first blog but I guess this might be THE one. I keep on signing up for a new blog every now and then. funny that I just happen to get a new obsession around exam time. What's wrong with me? Guess I'm just a crazy lazy lady... It's good to have an excuse not to study. heh..

It really is cold in here. More than it is outside I think. Man.. I'm struggling hard to type this with a gloved hand. Still.. my hands are freezing! But no.. I'm not complaining... .:grin:. I'm loving this moment. every single second of it. My roomate is out to uni. So I have the room for myself in this sleepy sunday morning. No school tomorow.. nothing to worry about.. for now.. at least.. exam is coming next week though. Anyway.. it is so nice to sit around lazily on my comfy little bean bag with a cup of mocha drink... huh.. this is sooo gooooood...

Wait.. ya know what am I thinking about rite now?? hmm.. let's switch language.. malay sounds fun... .:wink:.

Selalunya aku tulis in english because I sound stupid in Malay.. ngehehe.. just kidding... Tapi it's true that I'm not good in Malay when it comes to writing.. see.. I'm still not switching.. ok.. aku ada masalah susah nak express things dalam bahasa sendiri. Mungkin sebab org melayu x berapa expressive kut.. mungkin aku byk baca novel picisan omputih. so aku x tau nak kata 'saya sayang awak'. aku cuma tau kata 'I love U'.. u know what I'm saying?? (should I say: korang tau ke apa aku kata ni? bearing in mind that I'm talking to no one coz probably nobody will ever read this.. tsk..tsk...)

Aku rasa aku rasa sgt bahagia at the moment sbb 2 days ago aku dah oficially tamat preclinical years aku. Tapi dalam bahagia aku tu ada jugak la sedikit terkilan. coursemate aku majority bukan islam. 2 tahun setengah aku duk mingle ngan diorg. tp aku x rasa aku dpt at least ubah perception diorg pasal islam. still.. diorg ingat islam tu jahat.. mengongkong... ganas... tak best.. aku x buat kerje aku as org islam. aku terkilan sgt2. banyak peluang aku ada nak cerita pasal agama aku yg best ni tp aku x buat. kenapa?? malu ke aku dgn agama aku ni?? aku sendiri pun x paham kenapa... aku doa kat Allah moga Allah ampunkan aku & bantu aku so that aku x fail lagi...

peace out..


Anonymous said...

Wahai saudari(eh btoii kan hang ni pompun kann..) blogger yg pande bhs omputeh...
di cni sy nak brkate2 cket la...
memandgkan dah trkilan sbb slame 2thun xdpt show d beauty of ISLAM(Kesilapan yg besar sbnrnye..mmmg patut pn rs sedih),tp jgn bhenti kat ctu je, kate jika asyk terkenang memori lame,smpi bile nak cipte cerite baru...
ok2 la,sbnrnye, sy nak ckp, pas ni,wat la prubahan, gunekan semua kelebihan diri n manipulasikan segale kekurangan dr utk dipergunakan seluruhnye trhadap ISLAM tercinta ini...
n klu lah xdpt nak sumbang smthg utk ISLAM,jgn la mnjd penghalang kpd pgmbangan Islam(mmm myb sape2 yg bace,akan ckp,isshh aku xpenah halang org bwk ISLAM nihh..)tp cube muhasabah dr,pk2 balik,selame idup ni,penah x wat myb da melalut cket da ni, tp xpela..
k la nnt free2,sy cntinue balek
maaf, klu ade tersalah ckp
mohon ampun pd ALLAH...
mtk dr dulu..

Amatullah said...

Waalaikumussalam encik air..

terima kasih atas tunjuk ajar & sokongan.. insyaAllah sy akan cuba lagi.. uh...

tsk.. terharu.. ada juga org baca blogku ini..