Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SAMPAH... kenapa dikutip?

Orang gila manakah yang...

Buang sampah kat tempat pelupusan sampah n feeling happy about it, tapi lepas tu kutip balik sampah tu?

Jatuh longkang.. balik mandi bersih2.. rasa segar bugar n bahagia.. tapi keluar je bilik air pergi masuk longkang balik?

Wahai diriku.. sudah kau tahu itu sampah, kenapalah nak dikutip???

"Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami perintahkan kepada Adam dahulu, maka ia lupa (akan perintah itu), dan tidak Kami dapati padanya kemahuan yang kuat." (20:115)

Dan tidaklah kudapati pada diriku ini kemahuan yang kuat.. tsk.. tsk.. Dan jika sekiranya aku bertaubat kemudiannya kembali membuat dosa maka takde la bertaubat namenye tu... tsk.. tsk..

Stage 1: recognising one's sin.. seeking to rid oneself from the evil consequences...
Stage 2: Seek refuge from Allah from sinning.

Allah isn't guiding me away from sin... 'walam najid li 'azma'.. kerana takde pada diriku azam...

wahai diriku... you are running away from you Lord, captured in the grip of shaytan... tsk..tsk.. tsk..

dan sesungguhnya the state of repentance is only given to those who are Allah concious... Fattaqullah!!!

and weep for your dying heart....

'I'm out to fight the devil but never fought myself
Read a thousand books but never read myself
My souls starving it needs to be fed
lord I need your help
Hell with the devil my biggest enemy's myself
It makes me wonder am I doing this for the right reasons
I mean the money the fame and game all sounds appealing
Instead of entertaining I prefer to enlighten
But then again who am I to be in a position
To represent a whole generation of kids and to make them believe
till this day I still struggle to uphold my deen
I read a 100 'God is great' in less then a minute
And though my tongue is fast like twista
My hearts not in it'


Anonymous said...

salam adik

amatullah and fattaqullah tue apa maknanya ?


Amatullah said...

salam kak umamah..

amatullah = slave of Allah

Fattaqullah = maka bertakwalah pada Allah